September 7, 2001

It must be the full moon. Nothing else could explain the amazing revelation from a Georgia state legislator that she communicates with the dead and has been "visited" by missing intern Chandra Levy. And we thought we had our share of nuts in Missouri!...

It must be the full moon. Nothing else could explain the amazing revelation from a Georgia state legislator that she communicates with the dead and has been "visited" by missing intern Chandra Levy. And we thought we had our share of nuts in Missouri!

Rep. Dorothy B. Pelote revealed to her fellow lawmakers this week that she has psychic abilities including the power to communicate with Levy.

The lawmaker said she has had the psychic abilities since childhood. After nearly drowning, she said she now has visions of a bright fireball in the sky and visions of dead people.

What's really frightening about this of course is that Ms. Pelote is an elected official with the ability and power to impact laws in the state of Georgia. Ms. Pelote apparently wants to become the Miss Cleo of the Georgia legislature.

Let there be no doubt - I think Rep. Pelote is out of her mind. Anyone who believes they communicate with the dead on a regular basis is ripe for medical attention in my book. As a regular citizen, we'd dismiss her ramblings for what they are. As a legislator, it's more difficult to dismiss her mental issues however. All we can hope is that her constituents see the same bright fireball and retire her to the psychic channel.

Does it strike you as odd that Rep. Pelote has this ability to communicate with the dead yet she apparently cannot answer any of the nagging questions of mankind nor does her "conversations" with Levy shed any light on the intern's disappearance? It simply illustrates that quacks come in all shapes and sizes and occupations. And for goodness sake, she was a school teacher before entering politics! Somewhere in Georgia there's a group of kids with a warped education.

It's difficult to get truly serious about this woman's mental problems but it does prompt one comparison. If the United States Congress is considering ousting Rep. Gary Condit for his twisting of the truth about Chandra Levy, then Georgia officials should take the same approach for their psychic lawmaker. Perhaps if she looked into the future, Rep. Pelote would realize her political days are limited. We hope!
