SIKESTON - Fifty-one youths have reported for football practice at the high school field, exceeding expectations of Coach Vernon Green.
SIKESTON - Births at Missouri Delta Community Hospital Sept. 2, 1961, were: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Turner of Oran; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lloyd Tippy of Sikeston; and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Charles Patterson of Morehouse.
SIKESTON - In an attempt to curb high interest rates in the building industry, about 150 people gathered Wednesday to form a committee to define problems and solve them.
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PORTAGEVILLE - Look for big changes in the way cotton is grown in this part of the country, a cotton expert told visitors at the Delta Center near Portageville. Changes should include 30-inch rows, short season varieties and delayed plantings harvested in October.
SIKESTON - Recent rains are delaying the harvest of some crops. But it offers good news for others, like soybeans. Southeast Missouri farmers say they aren't hurt too much yet and they are willing to do what they have to do - wait and see what the results are. New Madrid County farmer Tom Jennings said: "We don't know whether we want it or don't want it." Jennings noted the rainfall is helping the soybean crop.
NEW MADRID - A young offensive line. An excellent corps of skill players. That sums up the 1991 Sikeston football squad. Youth. Inexperience. Good athletes. That's what New Madrid County Central has to work with this year. But regardless of what either team has, the season opener Friday should prove to be a good contest.