December 30, 2003

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Boone are the parents of their second child, born Dec. 14. SIKESTON - Five cars of a Frisco freight train were derailed by a broken rail on the Frisco Leachville sub north of Sikeston between Salecdo and Tanner Thursday. Only one man was injured...

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Boone are the parents of their second child, born Dec. 14.

SIKESTON - Five cars of a Frisco freight train were derailed by a broken rail on the Frisco Leachville sub north of Sikeston between Salecdo and Tanner Thursday. Only one man was injured.

CHARLESTON - Calls to four fires Saturday and Sunday were answered by fire personnel from the Department of Public Safety. Two runs were made to a residence on East Prairie Street. East Prairie firemen also responded to the calls, Reportedly, a cutting torch was being used in an attempt to thaw out frozen water lines. The fire was thought to be out when fire personnel arrived the first time, but apparently, it reignited.

10 years ago: Dec. 30, 1993

CHARLESTON - Expressing satisfaction with the results from the recently completed three-year audit, covering 1990-92, from the office of State Auditor Margaret Kelly, the Mississippi County Commission on Thursday accepted the final report. Recommendations for changes in 13 categories, ranging from budgetary practices, bidding procedures, travel expenses to the Crime Reduction Fund were made by the auditing staff.


CAPE GIRARDEAU- Early in the second period of Monday's opening game of the University High school Tournament, Delta's Michael White drained a jumper to cut into Charleston's lead prompting an optimistic young Bobcats' fan to shout, "Hey, Delta's making a comeback!" Not exactly. True, the No. 16 Bobcats cut the lead to 35-4, but that was as close as they would get in an 89-11 loss to the top-seeded Charleston Blue Jays.
