SIKESTON - New wooden steps have been installed at the Stallcup Building from the street to the second floor. Additionally, a new floor has been built for the second floor hallway.
SIKESTON - A two-week riddance campaign starts here Monday. Residents and businesses will work together to get rid of rats and mice.
SIKESTON - The Chamber of Commerce will install a rack of telephone directories for local residents. Included will be books from Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Memphis and many other cities.
SIKESTON - Frank A. Milde was elected to the board of directors of the Federal Land Bank at a meeting attended by 190 members. Featured speaker was former state legislator Rush Limbaugh Sr.
CHARLESTON - Road improvements - a never-ending, expensive cycle - were among topics of discussion in an uneventful County Commission meeting Thursday. Presiding Commissioner Fred DeField, remarking the county could possibly "have some extra money (for the road fund) before the year is over," asked fellow commissioners Steve Ledbetter and Jim Blumenberg their opinions on seeking rental costs for a reclaimer, a machine that recycles blacktop.
SIKESTON - The Public Works employees held a farewell fish fry Friday in honor of Street Superintendent Roger Tillman, who is ending 16 years of service with the City of Sikeston. Mayor Bill Burch presented Tillman with a plaque of appreciation from the City Council..
SIKESTON - Kmart and D.A.R.E. will sponsor a free video and ID tag program from 10:30 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m. Saturday.