August 26, 2004

SIKESTON - The Department of Public Safety is seeking information on the closing-time armed robbery of Sonic Wednesday. According to DPS reports, the robbery occurred at approximately 11:21 p.m. at the Sonic located at 215 N. Main. After locking the store, the victim reportedly was approached by an unknown black male in a red hooded sweatshirt. ...

SIKESTON - The Department of Public Safety is seeking information on the closing-time armed robbery of Sonic Wednesday.

According to DPS reports, the robbery occurred at approximately 11:21 p.m. at the Sonic located at 215 N. Main. After locking the store, the victim reportedly was approached by an unknown black male in a red hooded sweatshirt. The robber reportedly never pointed the gun held in his right hand but demanded the money. He then fled to the east with the restaurant's bank deposit bag after the victim complied.

As the investigation is in progress, those with any leads on or information about this crime are asked to contact DPS at 471-6200 or 471-1500. All communications will remain confidential.
