The title of the Dec. 28 front page, lead story, "Experts: Money doesn't equal performance" must have been misprinted because more than two times as many white, third grade students in Clayton, where more money was spent per student, scored proficient on the standardized test than white students in Festus, where less money was spent. Black Students in Clayton also performed better, although not as well as the whites. I suspect the fact that a significant number of the parents of Clayton's third grade students are affluent professionals had a lot to do with test scores. If would have been more accurate to say, as the numbers in the article reflect, that all students performed better where more money was spent teaching them, however, white students realized a greater increase in performance than black students. The disparity in scores between blacks and whites is a social problem which no amount of money will cure. However, the article demonstrates that more should be done to equalize per student spending between rural and urban school districts. I would be very interested in seeing how Sikeston's black and white third graders performed compared to the rest of the state and at what cost per pupil. How about getting that information for us, Mr. Jensen?
The following information was supplied by Dr. Stephanie Reddick, Sikeston Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, and by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Further information may be found by viewing Sikeston's annual report at
For Sikeston R-6 third grade students, 2003 MAP results in communication arts were: Advanced and Proficient - white 44.3 percent, black 17.7 percent. For Step 1 and Progressing, white 10.1 percent and black 35.4 percent. Missouri 2003 MAP results for third grade in communication arts show: Advanced and Proficient, white 38.9 percent and black 16.2 percent; Step 1 and Progressing, white 20.7 percent and black 48.2 percent. Per Pupil expenditure is $7,345.
I agree with the person who said they are against President Bush making it legal for Mexicans to work here on a Visa. However, I disagree with people not being able to find jobs here. If you go visit a potato company when they are working, look and see how many people work there who have made their living on welfare. They will not do the work. Nursing homes struggle to find employees. My family and I have worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. There are just some people who will not work and no one seems to be able to make them. It is just too easy to steal from the system by telling lies on welfare applications, keep having babies, draw Medicaid and work for cash money, get disability and work for cash money, and many other ways. These people are not going to work as long as taxpayers take care of them. These are the same people who go to the emergency room if they stump their toe and call an ambulance for things they should just go to the doctor for. I had children and never called an ambulance to take me to the hospital for labor. They don't pay taxes, get huge refunds with Earned Income Credit, make our taxes go up because of abuse. They get a huge amount toward food, sell it and then go to the food pantries, churches and other organizations, begging. They even expect everyone to buy Christmas for their children. At least the Mexicans will work and take care of their own. They are to be admired. Their children can look up to them. The people here should be shamed and shunned if they are on welfare by deception and/or laziness. I'm fed up with deceivers.
Only those who work and file an income tax return can receive Earned Income Credit if they qualify.