SpeakOut 7/18
Call 471-6636
I want to see if Mike will put this in the paper about the highway, new taxes and adding gasoline taxes for our roads. I wish all the disabled people, senior citizens and everybody who is not on welfare or who draw free checks, I hope we all pull together and vote no on this tax. They just took away our dental from us. They think we can pay our dental when we live on $500 a month (some people more, some people less). I hope everybody who is disabled or senior citizens who draw Social Security will vote no on this tax. They want to take from us poor people but then they want us to pay more taxes. They were wrong from taking dental away from the disabled and senior citizens. They should have taken it away from the people who are drawing free welfare checks.
I'm calling about the coach in the article that's in the paper with the little boy named David. What a fine coach that man is. As I read the article in the paper about the little boy getting to play ball, I couldn't help but cry, and I wanted you to know that I appreciate this coach who helped a little boy named David to get to play ball and to let his dream come true.
Concerning the Pledge of Allegiance issue, if the atheists and non-American people don't want to participate, they can move to the Middle East, where they'll be welcome. Or they can just get along with everyone else and stay out of it. They don't have to do it.
Businesses should start using a better system on checking out people to make sure they are who they say they are. Some people go into these places and give the wrong name and the addresses of places that don't even exist.
To the person who was asking about Watkins dealers, I sell Watkins and my number is 471-3432.
I am looking who someone who knows how to put together a shed, like those sold at Lowes, for a reasonable charge. Please leave a number in SpeakOut and I will give you a call.
Renita Newman, why should you leave Sikeston when it was not your fault? The officers who did you the way they did you should be the ones to leave Sikeston and not you. Stay here and give them something to think about the next time they arrest somebody.