CAPE GIRARDEAU - Madelin Mackley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mackley of Blodgett, was married to Sherman Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Grant of McMullin. The marriage was held at the First Baptist Church.
SIKESTON - The March of Dimes received $325 in donations from students at five elementary schools. Presenters of the funds collected included Diane Taylor, Connie Bolden, Eddie Felker and Curtis Burnett.
SIKESTON - The gas war is over. Prices had dipped as low as 99 cents a gallon, but were back up to $1.18 for regular Friday.
SIKESTON - The City of Sikeston has announced the hiring of William O. Green as the director of the city's new Department of Economic Development. He has been employed with the Missouri Department of Economic Development since 1987, a fact which City Manager Dan Ward said shows Green is more than qualified.
SIKESTON - Designs for the city's civic/cultural center have been developed by the project is stalled until a decision on the center's final location is made. John Sargeant, representing the Civic Center Design Committee, spoke to the city council Wednesday on the latest project developments.
SIKESTON - Parents and grandparents were invited to visit St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Sikeston recently for Catholic Schools Week. A quilt created by students on a bulletin board drew a lot of attention from visitors.