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Our country is in real big trouble. We have big problems here in the United States of America. I would like to see all the politicians, all the judges and the Supreme Court, I would like to see them all lose their jobs, lose the authority and power they have and start over with new politicians. I truly believe the politicians are bringing on these big problems. The poor and the middle class people in this country haven't got a chance. There is no justice. Let's clean house. Let's get rid of them all, Democrats and Republicans, judges in the Supreme Court and let some new officials take their place because they are bringing big, big problems. They have no concern for the poor or middle class people. They're just out for themselves and there's no justice for us. Let's clean house, get rid of them and put new politicians in office. Some of these politicians have been in office for 35 and 40 years. They have too much power and authority and are concerned about no one but themselves.
I would like to SpeakOut about the PILOT controversy that the city is going on Feb. 4. If the door is not broken, leave it alone, it doesn't need fixing. Leave the Board of Municipal Utilities alone. It seems our city manager and city councilmen are the problem with over spending our tax money.
Yes, Mr. Jensen. You may have it made now, but later something could happen that you won't have any control over. What you say and do comes back to you. You down the poor people on Medicaid and Medicare. You think it should be cut out. What would it be like to be very poor or draw only a small income a month and have to pay $58.70 a month and try to live off the rest? Maybe you won't have to, but that's the reason I quit taking your paper. If more people felt the same, who knows? You may be in the same condition as some of these on lower income. You may have to ask for help. I don't like the comments you made in your paper. I have canceled my paper and, besides, I can't afford it anymore. I hear all the bull on TV from the same idiot in the White House. But I turn the TV off when he comes on, because I that's the reason I canceled my paper, because I didn't want to read your stupid comments.