Today is the day following Thanksgiving - the day we traditionally kick-off the annual Community Christmas Campaign. Beginning Sunday, the Standard Democrat will profile families who have been submitted for inclusion in this year's campaign. For the next three weeks we'll bring the stories to you of families in need of some special assistance this year. But right now, we need to hear from you.
Anticipating a strong demand this year, we announced the 2002 program plans about two weeks ago to jump-start the fund raising effort. An early rush of support helped boost our depleted coffers but then the donations slowed to a trickle. We assume that the Thanksgiving rush took top priority. But today's plea is a sincere and urgent one - we need you to consider a donation to this year's campaign so that we can reach those in need.
It should be mentioned that each year - almost like clockwork - the same generous donors are among the first to participate in the program. This year was no exception. And for those kind souls - and you know who you are - we remain eternally in your debt as do the families you have helped. But now it's time for others to join in this truly community effort and help this year's campaign become a success.
While you're out Christmas shopping this weekend or in the days ahead, please consider purchasing one additional toy and donating it to the Christmas campaign. If your schedule is tight and your shopping limited, perhaps you could send a check that would allow us to purchase the food, toys, blankets and other items needed by families here. If neither of these options work for you, perhaps you could call and volunteer your time to assist with deliveries this year. This is no shortage of ways you could assist. And no shortage of the satisfaction you'll receive.
The upcoming week is critical in many ways. Within a week, campaign volunteers must order toys and clothing items for this year's campaign. We make those orders based on faith - faith that the donations will arrive to make these purchases possible. In 22 years, the public has always responded. That is our hope and prayer again this year.
Please take time today to mail your check or to add the Community Christmas Campaign to your shopping list. This is just one more reason to give thanks during this special time for the blessings in your life and to share this season with