SIKESTON - A bill formally establishing the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority was adopted by the Sikeston City Council clearing the way for action on a redevelopment plan.
Sikeston voters authorized the creation of the LCRA in April 2001, according to Bill Green, director of the department of economic development.
In June 2001, the city council appointed an ad-hoc committee of Brian Menz, Alan Keenan, Herman Gardner, Terry Bryant and Mike Bohannon to research the potential uses of the LCRA within the city and identify likely areas for clearance and redevelopment activities.
The city also retained the services of a St. Louis consulting firm specializing in planning and urban renewal projects, Peckham, Guyton, Albers and Viets, to collaborate with the committee.
PGAV and the interim committee have since produced a redevelopment plan draft.
As Missouri Revised Statutes require the LCRA to be formally appointed prior to consideration and recommendation of a plan, council members also made appointments to the LCRA Commission during their regular session Monday.
Gardner was appointed to a four-year term; Bohannon to a three-year term; Bryant to a two-year term; and Menz to a one-year term. Also appointed to a one-year term was Mont Mitchell, who was nominated by Sue Rogers to replace Keenan. Keenan was appointed to the interim committee by former councilman Bill Mitchell.
Initial appointees will serve staggered terms, with successive terms being four years long.
The full agenda for Monday's regular city council meeting also included action on several "housekeeping" items including the following:
* Bills amending the city code to bring it into compliance with the Home Rule Charter were adopted.
The first "changes the way ordinances are brought before the council," explained Linda Lowes, director of governmental services, formalizing the procedure of reading bills twice, one week apart. The amendment also defines what an emergency ordinance is and what circumstances qualify; and puts ordinances into effect 30 days after their passage, according to Lowes.
The second establishes the seven-member council with four ward representatives, two at-large representatives and an at-large elected mayor and defines eligibility, term lengths and limits, among other things. The mayor pro tempore will be elected by the council from among its members annually.
Compensation, previously set at $1 per year, will be set by the Council.
The code changes also sets procedures for filling vacancies on the council and define conflicts of interest.
The changes in the city code will not become law until April.
* Council adopted a bill amending rental property minimum housing quality standards.
Tom Bridger, public works director, explained the amendment adds definitions and clarifies that the property owner is responsible for turning in the tenancy application and registration forms.
* Anderson Walker was appointed to a three-year term on the Rental Ordinance Appeals Board; Scott Jenkins was appointed to a two-year term on the Planning and Zoning Commission; and Lori Fowler was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Paul Bixler on the SAHEC Advisory Council. The term expires Dec. 31, 2003.