SIKESTON -A gift of a Hammond electric organ was presented to the Christian Church on Nov. 19 by J.F. Cox Sr. and family as a memorial to Mrs. J.F. Cox Sr., who passed away two years ago.
SIKESTON - Jimmie Stone, son of Mrs. J.E. Stephenson, 141 N. West St., has climbed up in the musical world and has produced a hit record, and given a 10-year contract for future records. The first two hit tunes were "Baby I Cry" and "Getting Over You," the latter with a South American beat. Ten thousand records were produced in the first round and he sent his mother the first one. He will make an appearance on the Jimmy Dean Show in three weeks.
WASHINGTON - Rep. Bill Emerson left today for Ethiopia so he can learn firsthand about the difficulties being experienced with relief efforts.
SIKESTON - A mini class reunion for the members of the Sikeston High School Class of 1968 is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Tony Poole, 15 Oak Meadows. Class members are encouraged to stop by for the casual get-together.
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CHAFFEE - The annual Chaffee Christmas Parade will be held at 1 p.m. Dec. 3 with this year's theme being "Here Comes Santa Claus." The parade will start at the parking lot on North Main Street.