Letter to the Editor

Your view: Watch the court

Sunday, January 26, 2003

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California once again is censoring the voice of the majority of Americans on the Pledge of Allegiance issue and must be held accountable!

It has been months since the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling banning the Pledge of Allegiance from their schools, and eventually nationwide, because of the words "under God." Despite overwhelming nationwide public support for the Pledge in its current form, the 9th Circuit has conducted a series of lengthy delays to avoid the question of rehearing the case.

Also, the same three-judge panel that issued the original ruling has proceeded to reject "Friend of the Court" briefs from several leading organizations, including the American Legion, American Center for Law and Justice, Christian Legal Society, Claremont Institute Center, Wallbuilders, Alliance Defense Fund and many others who have made public statements.

Interestingly enough, a brief was filed on behalf of tens of thousands of citizens nationwide who co-signed this brief. Nonetheless, the Court refused to even hear the voice of the majority of citizens in the United States who care deeply about this case and our nation.

Last summer, this case was headline news. But now, the issue has dropped off the media's radar for what they determine to be more "newsworthy" items. The 9th Circuit Court, and specifically its three-judge panel, has succeeded in diffusing public opinion through delay tactics and by rejecting input from this country's citizens and patriotic organizations protecting our heritage. This type of biased conduct should not be allowed in our judicial system!

Shad B. Old,
