SIKESTON - Mrs. John Hitt entertained Sunday with a surprise birthday dinner in honor of her sister, Mrs. J.N. Grant who celebrated her 80th birthday anniversary.
SIKESTON - The eighth district meeting of the Missouri Livestock Association was held at the Rustic Rock. Featured on the program were addresses by Jim Ross, secretary-treasurer; Thatcher Scism, area supervisor of the Sikeston Production Credit Association; and Jack Palmer, president of the state Livestock Association.
SIKESTON - Girl Scout Troop 112 of New Madrid recently visited the Cotton Boll Girl Scout office while earning the Girl Scouting Everywhere Badge. Present were: Christopher Padilla, Robin Moore, Samantha Jones, Samantha Odom, Kristen Warren, Stacy Adams, Betty Frye, Melinda Howell, Sheila Patterson, Marcia Padilla, Carla Murray, Sue Ellen Patterson, Mary Jean Bramlett, Rebecca Unsel, Kim Hornburg, Evelyn Workum, assistant leader Madge Utterback, Beverly Warren, Teresa Johnson, assistant leader Sherry Padilla, Ladonna Gibbs, Mary Unsel, Melanie Padilla, Teresa Masters and leader Sherry Howell.
SIKESTON - Voters in the area are faced with some easy decisions in the upcoming election - many candidates are unopposed and their re-election bids. The election for municipalities and school boards is scheduled for April 6. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
SIKESTON - Three seats, each for three years, are open on the board of Sikeston R-6 Public Schools. Current board members Ellen Brandom and Steve Matthews have refiled, along with Don Fulton, Judy Greer and Charlotte York.