SIKESTON - Appointment of Mrs. Frank Miller as acting librarian at the Sikeston Public Library was announced today by Chairman R.E. Bailey of the Library Board. Mrs. Miller will replace Mrs. Keith Collins in the position.
MOREHOUSE - Masons of Morehouse Lodge 603 AF&AM have elected Ed Orr as worshipful master; Don Harris, senior warden; and O.E. Stinnett, junior warden. Frank Parrish was re-elected treasurer and Guy Comer was re-elected secretary.
SIKESTON - Approximately 900 children and adults attended the cartoons shown by the Malco Trio Cinema Sunday afternoon. Admission to the theater was canned or packaged non-perishable food that would be put in the Christmas baskets for the elderly.
SIKESTON - Meghan Dover was crowned the 1992 Little Miss Winter Princess. First alternate is Jessica Miller and Heather Creasy is second alternate.
SIKESTON - The Democratic County Committee will be making their recommendation to Gov.-elect Mel Carnahan for a new prosecuting attorney for Scott County. The nominee will fill the unexpired term of David Dolan, who was elected associate circuit judge in November. Candidates are Christy Baker-Neel, Bob Gowen and Frank Marshall.