MORLEY - Chief Machinist Mate Truman Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of Morley, arrived here on the 17th to spend a 30-day furlough with his parents and sister, Miss Annie Foster. After his leave is over, he is to report to Camp Endicott, Rhode Island.
SIKESTON - Large crowds are attending Sikeston Teen Town each Monday, Wednesday and Friday night at the high school. Membership for the summer is 25-cents.
SIKESTON - The 20th Annual Cotton Carnival , sponsored by the Sikeston American Legion, was judged one of the finest events in its history, both from a financial and entertainment standpoint. In the Saturday morning parade, beginning at 10:30, and lasting for one hour and 20 minutes, were the largest number of entries in many years.
SIKESTON - The Cotton Top King and Queen Contest was held Wednesday evening at the 40th Annual American Legion Cotton Carnival. Charles Wade Lawrence, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence of Route Five Sikeston, was crowned Cotton Top King, while Brooke Lambert, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lambert of Sikeston, was selected Cotton Top Queen. Sixty children were entered.
MOREHOUSE - Charles "Sonny" Roberson presented his father, E.W. "Buck" Roberson with a book chronicling his early life in Morehouse. The younger Roberson now lives in Alexandria, Va.
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SIKESTON - Dr. Don Cento, a retiring member of the Sikeston Planning and Zoning Commission, received a plaque from Sikeston Mayor Mike Moll for his service. Cento was a member of the committee from 1985 through 1994.<