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I want to thank Sikeston for all the tree trimmings that took place around the power lines.
This is to whoever picked up the child's picnic table on a field on County Road 480. We're alongside BB Highway. We would appreciate the return of it. The wind storm blew it out there; it wasn't thrown away. A reward is offered for its return.
Where is Sarah Zapp on KFVS-TV? I haven't seen her in a long time.
She relocated to Arkansas nearly a year ago but has been doing public service ads on television that are aired locally.
This is to the person who said the bill should be vetoed on the concealed weapon. You should pull your head out of the sand. Comments like you made just shows how dumb you really are.
I can't believe the post office is asking for another raise in postage, the way they screw up the mail. I get my Standard by mail. On Monday, I got three issues: April 30 and May 1 and 2. On Friday I got May 3 and 5. I don't know where the 4th is. But that's the way they deliver the mail, just when they get good and ready. I get late issues and I get some back two or three days. I don't think they should get more postage. They get more than they should now.
The Standard Democrat is delivered to the post office daily. May 4 was a Saturday and there was no paper that day.
If the state has such a budget crunch and they're going to cut state workers' pay, why don't they cut the state lawmakers' pay and the governor's pay? After all, they're the ones who manage the budget, not the workers. But they never take a pay cut. They can always get themselves a pay increase, but never a pay cut.
The governor has announced he will take a two-day payless furlough like other state workers.
Recently we fell prey to the unscrupulous criminal element lurking at each corner. Someone whom we trusted stole several checks and proceeded to forge them at several area merchants. To my dismay, this individual was able to cash our checks without identification and for amounts that not even I could cash checks for at these merchants, with my name on the checks and possessing the proper identification. If the merchants would be more strict, maybe these ne'r do-wells wouldn't be able to cash stolen or forged checks so easily, causing us hard-working families so much grief and lost income trying to straighten out a big mess. Who can you trust these days?