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I recently visited the Sikeston Rescue Mission and couldn't believe how high they are on their clothing. I thought this was supposed to be a place where people who don't have a lot of money could shop and still help other people. With prices like that, there won't be many people going in there. Please lower your prices so poor people can afford to shop.
This is in regard to testing elderly drivers. I feel that we may have a lot more elderly drivers who stay within the law than young people. So why punish them? A lot have to live alone and need to drive themselves to go to doctors and other places they need to go and I feel they should be allowed to do this.
I'm from Charleston and don't appreciate one person getting reI think the Sikeston sportswriter who put in the predictions for the football game, when he got down to the Charleston-East Prairie game and put Stanback 35, Charleston 37, I think it was in very bad taste. If it wasn't for the tackles and guards and the ends, they wouldn't be doing so good. Even though Charleston does have a 1-4 record, they're the best 1-4 team in Southeast Missouri. I think he would give credit to other people with Orrice Stanback even though I do like Stanback as a gentleman.
On Nov. 5 people in the New Madrid County School District will be voting on whether or not the Matthews School in Matthews will be eliminated. A "yes" vote will mean our children from kindergarten through grade 12 will be bussed all the way to Howardville. No child should have to ride a bus that far just to get an education starting in kindergarten and especially when there is a good school in their own neighborhood. I don't understand any educator thinking this is best for little ones. The issue is money, not children. We are told our taxes will have to increase if we don't vote for the change. We know our taxes will just eventually be increased anyway. We would be better off to pay higher taxes when you consider the cost of driving the kids that far to school, driving for conferences and school activities over the next 12 years. Think of the wear and tear on your vehicle, time spent on the driving. Some parents won't, and that's a long drive to pick up a child who is sick, or if there has been an accident or if the weather is so bad you don't want to put children on the bus for that long ride. Please, people. Vote no on this issue.
Isn't it sad? By the time we see all of the charges, counter-charges, lies, truths, half-truths, etc. we don't want to vote for any of the politicians.
I'm calling about the cigarette taxation. Personally, I think people already pay enough taxes on cigarettes. Who sponsored this bill, who wrote it? What happened to the money the tobacco companies gave to the state of Missouri that was supposed to go for all this medical care?
This is about taxing cigarettes. I believe they should. I smoked for 25 years and quit smoking four years ago. I feel that cigarettes kill people all the time. It's only fair to the health system. Since I quit smoking, by God's help of course, I can even breathe better and my lungs are actually healing up. I know it's hard to quit, but nothing's impossible with God to help you, and He will. He did me. Keep candy and gum on hand. Good-bye and good luck.