December 20, 2002

I would like to personally kick the rear end of the person who wrote the letter "Name Withheld by Request" about the small towns losing their schools. Did this person forget how Morehouse fought to keep from losing its school? But Sikeston out-voted them. ...

~Call 471-6636

I would like to personally kick the rear end of the person who wrote the letter "Name Withheld by Request" about the small towns losing their schools. Did this person forget how Morehouse fought to keep from losing its school? But Sikeston out-voted them. Morehouse wasn't big enough to vote against them. They took the high school and they took the seventh and eighth grade. They just left the sixth grade and then put a bunch of students in there out of Sikeston and made special education out of most of that school. Morehouse fought and went to Sikeston. Sikeston wanted the school money that Morehouse was getting. They got all the taxes that amounted to anything. That's when Morehouse retaliated by sending most of their kids to Richland. They're better there than they were in Sikeston. Sikeston gave Morehouse a bad deal and I imagine they gave the same thing to the other little towns. It all boils down to the monster Sikeston. That's where the blame goes.

The people who were griping about not getting the dollar in their paper, it's one of three groups of people. It's somebody who wanted to get their free paper on Wednesday; or it's someone who thinks water ought to run up hill to get there; or it's the kind of person who would bitch if you hung them with a new rope.

The dollar replica would not be in a free Wednesday paper. The contest was open to subscribers only.

I can't imagine why the Democrats made such a big noise about Mr. Lott. He only meant to make a 100-year-old man happy on his birthday. I believe him when he said he is sorry for saying this. I wonder if they never make mistakes. They are acting like usual, trying to undermine the Republicans.
