CAPE GIRARDEAU - The 46th Southeast Missouri Regional Science Fair was held March 12 in Cape Girardeau and several Sikeston High School students won awards.
Senior Kendra Riddle and freshman Chelsea Grigery won the highest award at the Regional Science Fair. Each received an all expense paid trip to compete at the International Science Fair May 12-18 in Louisville, Ky. At the International Science Fair, they will compete against over 1,000 projects from 40 different countries.
Katie Jennings: First place, Senior Biochemistry, American Chemical Society Award, U.S. Army Award, Water Environment Federation Award and U.S. Air Force Award.
John Robert Bizzell: Second place in Senior Botany and Environmental Science, U.S. Army Award.
Chelsea Grigery: First place in Senior Chemistry, American Chemical Society Award, U.S. Army Award.
Matt Strom: American Foundation of Vision Awareness Award.
Martin Schaefer: Intel in Computer Science Award.
Joel Kinder: 3rd place in Senior Engineering, Physics and Computers, U.S. Army.
Clint Bohannon: First place in Senior Botany and Environmental Science, Intel Environmental Health and Safety Award, U.S. Air Force Award and U.S. Department of Navy Award.
Tyler Powell: Second place in Senior Chemistry.
Kendra Riddle: First place in Senior Engineering, Physics and Computers, AMS International Foundation Award, Cape Girardeau Engineering Club Award, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association Award, U.S. Army Engineering Award, U.S. Metric Association Award and Scientific American Award.
Erica Carr: Association of Women Geoscientists Award and Conservation International Award.
Michelle Alley: Eastman Kodak Award, U.S. Air Force Award and U.S. Army Award.
Andy Croxford: U.S. Army Award.