August 21, 2003

SIKESTON - One of the largest single donations to the Army Scrap Metal Drive came when Ralph Potashnick, secretary-treasurer of the Local Truck System, reported that about 40,000 pounds of metal, the equivalent of one carload, is awaiting collection. ...

SIKESTON - One of the largest single donations to the Army Scrap Metal Drive came when Ralph Potashnick, secretary-treasurer of the Local Truck System, reported that about 40,000 pounds of metal, the equivalent of one carload, is awaiting collection. This will bring to seven the number of carloads which have been collected by the Army in their thorough "scrapping" of Scott county. The company of specialty trained Fort Leonard Wood soldiers plan to complete their work this weekend in Scott County and continue on to the "Bootheel" country.

CHAFFEE - Federal, state, county and Chaffee office workers were still hunting this morning for a lone bandit who walked into the Bank of Chaffee at closing time Monday and walked out with $12,782 in currency.

20 years ago: Aug. 21, 1983

MOREHOUSE - Amber VanVickle, 7, of Morehouse, was selected as this year's poster child for the 20th annual Charity Walk for the Kenny Rogers Cerebral Palsy Center.

SIKESTON - Jason Schrieber has a lot to be proud of. He possesses a talent many individuals don't perfect over a lifetime. He took first place at the district level of the Teen Talent Contest for playing the drums in March in Kennett, then first place in April at the conference level in Cedar Groves, Tenn., and at the regional level in Memphis, Tenn. The contests were sponsored by the Christian Education Department of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. This August, he won third place at the national level in Jacksonville, Fla. Schrieber, 15, has never taken music lessons. He plays his music, including piano and guitar, by ear. "The Lord gave me this talent and I am using it for him. I love playing and I love the crowds I play for," Schrieber said.
