November 23, 2003

I want to say thank you to the lady who gave me a lottery ticket. I was sitting at the gas station and she just came out and gave me one and said, "Here. Have a merry Christmas." There are still some good people in the world. It wasn't a winner, but it's not about that. It's the thought that counts...

I want to say thank you to the lady who gave me a lottery ticket. I was sitting at the gas station and she just came out and gave me one and said, "Here. Have a merry Christmas." There are still some good people in the world. It wasn't a winner, but it's not about that. It's the thought that counts.

DPS serves area</b.

In reference to the resident versus DPS, I am not a DPS person, have never been and don't know anyone who is. But I think you have a lot of nerve to condemn an officer for doing his job and to threaten Drew Juden, who is doing the best job that Sikeston has had in years, and trying to get something done with this city. I think you have a problem and don't want anybody to find out about it. Whoever you are, I hope they find out so they can do something with your big mouth.

I am the paper carrier in Wyatt. Check your records and find out if your subscription is paid up. When a subscriber starts a paper and cancels and then starts and stops it again, it is hard for me to know when you're supposed to get a paper. I know who my customers are and I only get the number of papers needed for those customers. Please call the circulation manager at (573) 471-4141 with your name and telephone number so we can get this cleared up.

Will you tell the Sikeston people if this community is one of the 22 drinking water systems in Missouri that are being monitored by EPA for high levels of atrozine, which causes prostate cancer in humans and sexual abnormalities, like multiple testicles and ovary formation in frogs? If we're not being monitored, please tell us how our drinking level of atrozine ranks with the other systems in the state of Missouri.

No. Results of tests for Sikeston water are published annually. Call BMU at 475-3229 and they will forward a copy of the annual test report to you by e-mail or regular mail.

Talk about a war zone, these men and women who are trying to improve the interstate for the 18-wheelers to have an easier way to get down the highway, they deserve a pat on the back. These troopers need to get out here and enforce the speed limit that they have posted before somebody gets killed.

I guess the grass is greener on the other side and they keep it mowed. They are married (but not to each other), probably have a checking or savings account that his wife doesn't know about and his cell phone bill goes to another post office box that his wife doesn't know about so she can't review the bill. His girlfriend probably has a cell phone bill going to another post office box or she beats her husband to the mailbox to get the bills first. Just remember. This isn't Chicago or St. Louis. When you do something on the east side of Sikeston, the west side knows about it.

Thank you, Sikeston, for Wakefield! We are so glad to have that new street in town. It is wonderful!

To whoever took a blue bike from Indiana Street, thanks. You just taught my 6-year-old son not to trust. He just got that bike in June for his birthday. I hope you needed his bike worse than he did because you have taught him a hard lesson in life.
