Thank God our President has taken a strong stand against homosexual marriages. He is for a law banning such marriages and has taken a stand for traditional marriage. This will mean he will probably not get the support of the gay rights crowd for reelection. He is also for banning partial birth abortion. In fact, he is pro-life. That means he will not be supported by Planned Parenthood or NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) for reelection.
Because of G.W. Bush's traditional moral values, he should be reelected in 2004. How do the candidates for the Democratic Party stand on moral issues? Not a one is against homosexual rights. Everyone of them are for abortion remaining legal.
This leads me to say something that will get under some folks' skin. How can you be for traditional moral values and call yourself a Democrat when your party's platform is against those values? I'm not a Democrat or a Republican but I sure won't identify with a party that is not for traditional moral values. I won't vote for its candidates for political office either.
Be an informed voter. Check out party platforms. Go to the library and check out the Websites for both major parties.
Richard D. Swift