Over the past six months, our residents have heard about the revenue shortfall within the city's General Revenue Fund and the various efforts Council has undertaken to remedy the situation.
The response we received from the general public regarding this revenue shortfall has been to "tighten our belts" and "live within our means." Council responded by doing just that - by reducing funding to a number of organizations and programs that serve the citizens of our community and cutting back on the many services provided by municipal government.
These measures have not eliminated our problem. They have merely postponed it, forcing us to reconsider it at a later date.
City staff has identified a means in which the General Revenue Fund shortfall can be addressed in the short term. However, long term solutions will require the review and evaluation of our priorities. Some very tough and important decisions need to be made, and soon.
The City Council and I will be holding a series of round table discussions where we will be requesting your input to prioritize municipal functions and services. These meetings will be your opportunity to provide input in this process. From the information we obtain, a strategic plan will be developed outlining our city's priorities. This plan can very well be considered Sikeston's "Road map to the future."
On behalf of the City Council, I extend an invitation to each of you, asking that you attend at least one of the round table discussions. These meetings will be held as followed:
Monday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Clinton Community Building;
Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Clinton Community Building.
Please take this opportunity to participate in your municipal government. Learn about the issues firsthand, and communicate to us, your elected officials, what our priorities should be in the coming years. Be a part of the solution!
I'm Sikeston Proud!