January 5, 2004

The New Madrid County Family Resource Center would like to thank everyone who made this year's Christmas Angel Tree project a huge success. We were able to purchase gifts for more than 175 kids this year. A special thanks goes out to the Bank of New Madrid, Evergreen Baptist Church in Marston, Wal-Mart, Brownie Troop 74, Pilots, Family Resource Center staff and members of the community...

The New Madrid County Family Resource Center would like to thank everyone who made this year's Christmas Angel Tree project a huge success. We were able to purchase gifts for more than 175 kids this year.

A special thanks goes out to the Bank of New Madrid, Evergreen Baptist Church in Marston, Wal-Mart, Brownie Troop 74, Pilots, Family Resource Center staff and members of the community.

New Madrid Family Resource Center
