SIKESTON - Motorists should expect delays on northbound Interstate 55 next week as the girders are set for the new Diversion Channel Bridge, weather permitting.
"We will have to stop traffic for 10 to 15 minutes at a time on the northbound interstate on-ramp while the procedure is under way," said Missouri Department of Transportation Resident Engineer Bob Wilson. He said the work is set for 7 am. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Jan. 23.
"This will be the final setting of girders," he added. "After this work is completed, the contractor will begin work on forming the deck and tying reinforcing steel for the bridge. After this deck portion is in place, the barrier wall on the west side of the bridge will be constructed. Weather and water levels permitting, we expect the bridge to be open to traffic by late winter."
The northbound bridge on I-55 north of Exit 91 is being replaced with a new seismically-designed three-lane structure. The third lane will serve as an acceleration lane for northbound on-ramp traffic. The current bridge has no acceleration lane.
For more information, call MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at (888) 275-6636.