NEW MADRID - Eric Parker, also known as Plenty, is bringing the sounds of the Bootheel to the music industry.
Parker is currently finishing his debut album, "Good and Plenty," in Flint, Mich. The album is scheduled to be released June 30.
Already he is garnering attention with his singles, "Dance Flow," "Lost Love," "Far Away" and "Down the Road Before."
"I would like to thank my mother, Mark Parker, and the people who stood behind me and gave me a chance," he said. A graduate of New Madrid County Central High School, Parker resides in New Madrid.
SIKESTON - Laura Lewis is the employee of the quarter for Bootheel Counseling Services.
Employed as a secretary/receptionist at the center, Lewis was cited for her "caring upbeat attitude, flexibility, concern for co-workers as well as clients and outstanding ethics and morals."
Bootheel Counseling Services is located at 760 Plantation Blvd. in Sikeston with a branch office at 25 N. Walnut St. in Dexter.
NEW MADRID - The New Madrid Chamber of Commerce will honor Banner Medical Equipment Inc. as the "Business of the Year" during the annual Awards Banquet Feb. 26.
A family-owned business begun 17 years ago by Steve and Debbie Lancaster, the business has grown to 25 employees with four locations in Southeast Missouri. The business now serves 12 Southeast Missouri counties and four Southern Illinois counties with more growth anticipated.
Recently in New Madrid, Banner Medical built a new building on Highway 61, adding more space and employees.
"We hope the entire community will join us to help honor this very deserving business," said Margaret Palmer with the New Madrid Chamber of Commerce.
The banquet will begin at 6 p.m. at the Southern Comfort Reception Hall, 600 Main St. The meal will be catered by Rosie's.
Reservations must by made by Feb. 23 by calling the Chamber at 573-748
The evening will also include a 50/50 raffle and door prizes.