May 30, 2003

I am assuming the reason my comments were not printed was because I identified a person and for libel reasons you could not print. Please print these comments: Does anyone out there think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to allow a high school student to drive his vehicle while he (teacher/coach) rides in the back seat with a female high school student? Do you think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to attend a "late show" with 5 high school students (two female)? Do you think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to call a female high school student on her cell phone at "late hours" of the night? Just curious. ...

~Call 471-6636

I am assuming the reason my comments were not printed was because I identified a person and for libel reasons you could not print. Please print these comments: Does anyone out there think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to allow a high school student to drive his vehicle while he (teacher/coach) rides in the back seat with a female high school student? Do you think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to attend a "late show" with 5 high school students (two female)? Do you think it is appropriate for a teacher/coach to call a female high school student on her cell phone at "late hours" of the night? Just curious. These are facts. This behavior has taken place at a local area high school.

There's a certain furniture store in Sikeston that insists on utilizing The Star Spangled Banner as "background" music for its Memorial Day Sale. As a veteran, I take offense to this usage. The music like the flag should be tendered respect, not used for commercial purposes.

I am the mother of one of the Cal Ripkin teams. They took the game from 9-0 last night and last week it was in there. Why wasn't it in there today? Also, when will the best citizen awards from school be in the paper?

For part one of your question, call 471-6980 after 6 p.m. and speak to one of our sports writers. For the second question, several area schools announce best students, best citizens each month. The pictures honoring these students run on a space available basis, so we cannot specify which day a certain photo will run. We print them as soon as possible.

I am a senior citizen and need a part-time job. I can do most anything. If anyone is interested in hiring me, please leave a number in SpeakOut.

If anyone has a quilting machine for sale, please leave a phone number in SpeakOut.

I have been to a well-known place to eat where the waitresses have to share their tips. That's the best place in town for a lazy waitress to go because you have one or two waitresses doing all the work and then they have to share all the money. This practice is a long gone way of doing things. You do not share tips in any decent restaurant. Hopefully the owner will see this and realize what a big mistake they are making.

This is in response to the person who said they were married to a cop. First of all, they do not have the legal right of four feet in the roadway (I checked on it). Secondly, what does your cop say about sidewalks, what they're made for?
