February 20, 2005

Ron Whitaker of Chaffee recently retired from the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority. Whitaker joined the SEMO Port Board in 1995, serving as vice chairman from 1997-98 and chairman in 1999-2000. J. Ronald Fischer, current chairman, praised Whitaker's dedication, expertise and sense of humor and expressed his thanks for Whitaker's service. ...

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Ron Whitaker of Chaffee recently retired from the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority. Whitaker joined the SEMO Port Board in 1995, serving as vice chairman from 1997-98 and chairman in 1999-2000. J. Ronald Fischer, current chairman, praised Whitaker's dedication, expertise and sense of humor and expressed his thanks for Whitaker's service. Fisher is pictured presenting Whitaker with a plaque commemorating his service with other Boardmembers joining in the presentation.
