SIKESTON - New arrivals: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sindle of Sikeston at local hospital June 2, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner of Sikeston are parents of a son born June 2 at the local hospital.
SIKESTON - Mrs. Sam Bowman was presented a corsage and a 50-year Eastern Star pin at the May 27 meeting of Chapter 137 of the Order of Eastern Star.
PORTAGEVILLE - Three hundred persons attended a weed control tour at the Missouri University Delta Center Friday afternoon.
SIKESTON - Kevin Blanton, son of Dr. and Mrs. Joe Blanton, was named valedictorian Tuesday evening during Sikeston High School graduation ceremonies. Blanton graduated with a 4.0 grade point average. Paula Litchford, daughter of Bill and Velma Litchford, and Sanjay Arnand, son of Dr. and Mrs. S.C. Arnand, tied for the honor of salutatorian. The two students had a 3.960 grade point average.
BENTON - Voters in the Scott County R-4 (Kelly) School District approved a $750,000 bond issue Tuesday. The funds will provide additions to the high school and elementary buildings.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston Kindergarten's Best Citizens for May were Caleb Lane, Jonathan Sullivan, Joshua Johnson, Gary Wiggins, Chance Rampley, Andrew Miner and Sara Little.
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EAST PRAIRIE - Efforts by the Mississippi County Industrial Development Authority to promote the county may include a video production. Dick Smith, a media producers of St. Charles, showed a video made by his company to IDA members. Chairman Betty Hearnes said Smith's proposal would be studied. East Prairie City Administrator Kathie Simpkins reported M&M Construction received the bid for renovation of the former CB Forms building and work is in progress.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston City Council approved placing a 1/4 cent capital improvement sales tax on the Aug. 8 ballot during their Monday night meeting.