December 16, 2004

I agree that the daughter should be taking care of her own mother, as most people would do. The point is she is not and who knows the circumstances? It could be in the best interest of the mother that the daughter is not taking care of her. The point is, that is the woman's (worker) job to be there. Admit it. It's wrong. People do that all the time. It is their job to be there with the elderly and to take care of them but spending their own time doing their own errands. Don't be offended...

I agree that the daughter should be taking care of her own mother, as most people would do. The point is she is not and who knows the circumstances? It could be in the best interest of the mother that the daughter is not taking care of her. The point is, that is the woman's (worker) job to be there. Admit it. It's wrong. People do that all the time. It is their job to be there with the elderly and to take care of them but spending their own time doing their own errands. Don't be offended.

This is in response to the comments made about the East Prairie Fire Department. My question to the person who wrote to the SpeakOut is: Who are you going to call when you have an emergency? These are people who risk their lives to save people and property every time they get a call. They may not be EMT trained, but some are CPR trained and some are considered First Responders, and I would rather have one of them there with me in an emergency than be alone, not knowing what to do. I am sure that every one of the firemen on the department would love to take EMT training if the funds were available to provide the training. You should not criticize the people who may one day save your home or your family. Instead, you should be praising them for the job that they do.

Add scores to web

I sure would like to see some girl's basketball scores listed on the web site. You should honor gender equality. I live in Durango, Colo., and follow the New Madrid Varsity team.

Elvis anniversary

Jan. 21, 1955, (and Sept. 7) are the 50th anniversary of Elvis' performances in Sikeston. This year, Elvis fans are celebrating "He Dared to Rock." I would love for you to have a real pictorial of his Sikeston concert. Maybe you could contact the Presley family in Sikeston. If I remember correctly, he visited them in the summer of '54. I remember a friend of mine lived across the street from them and got to know Elvis that summer.

If anyone has photos from Presley's visit, please bring them by the newspaper office so we can make copies.

I am the daughter that people are criticizing. You don't know until you walk in another's shoes. I am not on welfare. I have six kids to raise (don't know where the dad is). I work two jobs to take care of my kids. I do check on my mother, so don't put judgment on me. He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw rocks. I am a concerned daughter.
