April 2, 2002

SIKESTON - Sikeston City Council members approved advertising on the outfield fences of the Little League Baseball fields and the Junior Babe Ruth Baseball field at the complex during its regular monthly session Monday. Tom Bridger, public works director, said the signs will go up at the start of the season near April 1 and will be taken down at the end of each season in August...

SIKESTON - Sikeston City Council members approved advertising on the outfield fences of the Little League Baseball fields and the Junior Babe Ruth Baseball field at the complex during its regular monthly session Monday.

Tom Bridger, public works director, said the signs will go up at the start of the season near April 1 and will be taken down at the end of each season in August.

Money raised by the advertising, which will appear on 2-by-6-foot signs, will be used for the Little League programs.

In other city council business:

* The city's liquor license ordinance was amended to simplify the city's liquor rules and regulations. "We brought our ordinance into compliance with the state," said Karen Bailey, deputy city clerk.

Among the changes: the distance required between a liquor establishment and a church or school will default to state statute, which is 100 feet; all fees will match state fees instead of just some; sections already in agreement with state statutes will be deleted; a section prohibiting sales by minors will be deleted as it is permitted by state statute and several area businesses use employees under 21.

* The cable TV franchise agreement with Charter Communications was extended through July 9.

Linda Lowes, director of governmental services, said the extension will allow for some final changes to be made in a proposed long-term agreement.

* Sonny Alcorn was appointed to the DPS Headquarters Study Committee.

Alcorn will join Paul Boyd, Sue Marble, Sharon Merideth, Clovis Delwiche, Ned Matthews, Steve Burch, Brian Menz, Harry Howard and Pete Burns who were all appointed during the March 4 city council meeting.

* A revitalization zone was established by council members as recommended by Bill Green, director of the department of economic development.

Green discussed a proposal to relocate the Sikeston Family Services to a new facility and the subsequent executive order by Gov. Bob Holden requiring such facilities to be located in a central downtown or revitalization district.

This has made it necessary to formally establish a revitalization district designation within Sikeston, according to Green.

The district designation will remain in effect for the period of the state contract and will cease upon award of the facility to another site.

* Council members accepted a bid to rehabilitate 203 Luther, a commercial structure owned by the city, from King David Lodge No. 11 as recommended by staff and granted staff authority to negotiate a final lease.

King David Lodge No. 11 proposed a five-year lease at $100 per month for a total of $6,000. The group would also like to add a clause to deed the property to them at the end of the five-year term.

* Council members approved rezoning for the Four Corners Development, South Ridge Estates, Fourth and Fifth additions, from agricultural open space to single family residential and approved their subdivisions.

* The subdivision of Grand Subdivision, which abuts South Main Street near the Days Inn, was approved.

No zoning change was requested or needed as the 1.8-acre lot is already zoned C-3 Highway Commercial.

* A roadway addition of about .54 acres at the South Grove Estates, First Addition, was approved by council members.

* Mayor Jerry Pullen recognized Boy Scout Troop 41 which attended the meeting as part of their badge requirement.
