SIKESTON - Cadet Lee Austin Bowman arrived Friday night from Virginia Military Institute at Lexington to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowman, until Saturday night.
SIKESTON - Mr. Stork must be trying to outdo Santa Claus this year. Evidence is the nine babies born over the past weekend at Missouri Delta Community Hospital. Parents of new daughters are Mr. and Mrs. William Vanover and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert of Sikeston; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perry of New Madrid and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Aycock of Portageville. Parents of new sons are: Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gregory of Bertrand, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hunter Jr. of New Madrid; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marshall of Matthews; and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elledge of Sikeston.
SIKESTON - As part of the annual Lee Hunter Elementary School Christmas program, the fifth grade students presented the play, "Saida and the Star." Written and directed by Barbara Sikes, the play is the story of the first Christmas and the origin of the swaddling clothes.
NEW MADRID - New Madrid received a "clean" opinion from the city's auditor following a review of the 1991-92 financial reports. Philip J. Black, a Sikeston certified public accountant, reported his findings to the City Council during their Monday evening meeting.
SIKESTON - The First Assembly of God Church Children's Choir gave a public concert on Monday at the Kingsway Mall. Performers included Ashlei Tyler, 5-year-old daughter of Keith and Teiffney Tyler of Sikeston.