On May 8, the American Legion Post 114 Ladies Auxiliary held their annual Red Cross blood drive and the turnout was ridiculous.
After al the money the auxiliary donates to different groups in Sikeston and Scott County, one would think those groups would be happy to help such a cause. We have donated money to Sikeston Pubic Safety, Miner Police Department and the Scott County Sheriff's Department and those employees are surely in better health and a lot younger than our World War II veterans. But these are not the only groups we donate to.
This Tuesday, we will be giving over $20,000 in scholarships. Those families could be donors also. Nobody seems to have trouble finding time to attend our meetings and ask for money and they all seem to have a problem when asked to reciprocate. There was not a single member of any group that we have donated money to this past year there to help us and the Red Cross.
This is definitely something I will bring up at meetings where groups are asking for money.
Vicki Curtis