BENTON - The Owensby school contributed 100 percent to the Missouri Delta Community Hospital campaign. That report from H.D. Roberts, who is in charge of solicitations there.
SIKESTON - Mrs. Helen Reuber was chosen Woman of the Year. The announcement was made at the American Legion Hall by the Junior Women's Club, Business and Professional Women's Club and the Jaycees Wives. Mrs. Reuber is an instructor at Sikeston High School.
NEW MADRID - The posse searched a cod trail as they sough to find Donald Gray, who escaped custody Wednesday night. The group said it was examining footprints found on a road a mile south of Highway 60.
SIKESTON - City Council members unanimously approved a $5.1 million budget for 1982-83 at Monday's meeting. A public hearing drew no comments, so council members approved four resolutions and an ordinance marking full approval of the budget.
JONESBORO, Ark. - Former Sikeston football player Paul Gilbow has been signed to a free agent contract with the Denver Broncos. Gilbow is a 6-6, 265 pound offensive lineman at Arkansas State University.
SIKESTON - A team of six ninth graders, sponsored by the Sikeston Public Schools Eagle program for gifted students, earned two outstanding Odyssey of the Mind Awards in state competition at Fulton. Team members were Katie Felker, Julie Bartholomew, Sarah Adams, Marcy Swogger, Chris Grojean and John Potashnick.
NEW MADRID _ Support of area merchants and individuals is being sought to help with the printing of brochures promoting New Madrid. The Chamber of Commerce seeks to raise $12,000 to pay for the printing of 50,000 brochures.