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One month ago, Sikeston Senior High School graduated its seniors. Thinking I was one of the lucky ones, I received an invitation announcement of a graduating senior, only to find out I could not attend the graduation ceremony. So I went to the store, purchased a beautiful graduation card and enclosed money as a gift for this senior's accomplishments. It is now one month later, and I have not as yet received a thank you acknowledgement from this graduate. One would think that after completing 12 years of school, that someone in that period of time would have taught some manners. To those of you seniors who have not taken the time to sit down and write a simple thank you note to those who thought enough to acknowledged your accomplishments, why not take a moment after reading this request and do so?
I was about the SpeakOut about judging others in the June 21 paper. It's good to read the Bible and everything, but reading the Bible won't get you to heaven without having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "No man can come to the father except by me (Jesus)," so the person who is talking about judging others, and telling the people that they shouldn't judge, if you believe reading the Bible can get you to heaven, the Lord will convict you and you will accept him as your personal savior and have a personal relationship with God.
Everybody wants to know why I'm keeping the road hot. I've been chasing my husband down trying to catch him cheating on me. So, and I've told others about why I did it when they asked. So if anybody wants to know why I've been doing that, now you know.
George Bush goes together with prescription drug makers and collects $28 million. Then the Republicans come up with a prescription drug plan, the same plan drug producers want. Next we see commercials with the drug industry patting themselves on the back and telling us how grateful we need to be toward them. Twenty-eight million dollars for Bush, Emerson and Talent's campaign fund, but it's the senior citizens and people who need the drugs who pay the price with their lives.