April 12, 2005

After a week in the glorious sunny weather of central Mississippi - I won't mention the tornado evacuation mess - I returned untanned, muddy and anxious to "get back" into the business of news. So immediately I scanned the national news reports, having spent a week purposely avoiding current events. And guess what? Michael Jackson remains in the headlines...

After a week in the glorious sunny weather of central Mississippi - I won't mention the tornado evacuation mess - I returned untanned, muddy and anxious to "get back" into the business of news. So immediately I scanned the national news reports, having spent a week purposely avoiding current events. And guess what? Michael Jackson remains in the headlines.

I recognize our culture is mesmerized with celebrity and, should that celebrity run afoul of the law, we're even more hungry for the gory details. In fact, thousands of Internet Websites are devoted solely to the misguided antics of the celebrity world. So it should come as no surprise that we are bombarded with a daily diet of Michael Jackson's fondling past.

The first item on my national news scan was an account of Jackson acting inappropriately with "Home Alone" star whats-his-name about 15 years ago. That was followed by an account of Jackson licking the face of yet another prepubescent boy. Then there was a recap of Jackson's admission that he lost his virginity at age 32.

Enough already!

I'm sick of being sick over Michael Jackson's weird world. I don't care if he's financially busted or swimming in cash. Neverland is a sick fantasy created by a sick mind who actually thinks the American public will believe his "innocent," child-like ways. I, for one, believe he's guilty as hell and can't seem to buy his way out of his latest problem. My only question is how do you jail someone like Michael Jackson? Now wouldn't he make a lovely inmate for someone?!

Reluctantly I acknowledge that the depth of intellect for the American public is fairly shallow. When much more time and space are devoted to Jackson instead of Social Security reform or a Medicaid overhaul, you get the sense that we're a boat without a rudder - adrift in meaningless drivel that we can regurgitate around the beauty shop.

Nothing fascinates us like building up a celebrity only to watch them fall. It's like auto racing. We don't so much like the race as we do the crashes. Jackson's trial will eventually come to a close. And there will be a verdict. Fans and foes alike will complain about the outcome. And then it will be someone else's turn.

In the meantime, the clock remains ticking on the Social Security bomb. But no one is paying attention.
