Looking Back 4/2
60 years ago
SIKESTON - Sgt. Bon E. Boswell Jr., 24 years old, a gunner in the Army Air Forces, has been missing in action since March 8, according to notification received from the War Department. He is the grandson of Mrs. Joe Voelker of Sikeston.
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SIKESTON - Mrs. Kendall Sikes and son, Alfred, visited her mother, Mrs. Carl Weber in Bloomfield from Friday until Sunday.
40 years ago
SIKESTON - The Sikeston Extension Club met for the first meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Campbell on Tuesday night, for the purpose of electing their officers and planning the club program. Newly elected officers are: Mrs. Carl Campbell, president; Mrs. J.L. Howie, vice president; Mrs. Bryan Snider, secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. Jack Taylor, reporter and historian.
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SIKESTON - Ernest Elledge, vice principal at Middle School, will direct the Sikeston Little Theater's third and last production of the season, "Bell, Book, and Candle." Mrs. Janie Herrendorf, secretary for the board of education is the producer.
20 years ago
SIKESTON - The Park Board Monday voted to recommend to the Sikeston City Council that $1,000 be funded for a Community Orchestra.
10 years ago
SIKESTON - The Scott County Health Department started a "Teen Day" which will be conducted monthly. They hope that more teens will bring their problems to the center to be talked about, than trying to deal with them alone.
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CHARLESTON - The Business and Professional Women's Organization is sponsoring the Little Prince and Princess Pageants for the Dogwood-Azalea Festival.