May 24, 2004

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Baker, 720 Matthews, gave a party for their daughter, Sandra Sue, on her birthday. --- SIKESTON - Miss Anne Taylor, owner of Anne's Beauty Shoppe, 102 Ruth St., celebrated her 20th year in business in this community last Saturday...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Baker, 720 Matthews, gave a party for their daughter, Sandra Sue, on her birthday.


SIKESTON - Miss Anne Taylor, owner of Anne's Beauty Shoppe, 102 Ruth St., celebrated her 20th year in business in this community last Saturday.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Kelly High School, Scott County School District R-1, held commencement exercises Thursday night and the class of 1964, 60 boys and girls, received the coveted diplomas. Ben M. Adams, principal, announced that Mary Dirnberger was valedictorian and Marilyn Weber, salutatorian.


SIKESTON - Miss Kay Sargent has been elected by the senior class of Memphis State University to serve as its secretary during the next school year.

20 years ago

DEXTER - A total of 143 students received diplomas during the May 24, 80th annual commencement ceremony at Dexter High School. Tracy Love, valedictorian, and Martha Burnett, salutatorian, addressed those in attendance.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Four Sikeston Senior High School juniors will be participating in Girls State scheduled for this summer at Fulton. The girls are: Trisha Pelzynski, Marcy Swogger, Katie Felker and Sarah Chittenden. The students were selected based upon grade point average and leadership.


SIKESTON - Students at SEMO Christian Academy who sold the most candy bars recently included: Katie DeLaRosa, fifth place; Danielle Johnson, fourth place; Branson Burrow, third-place; Dustin Curtis, second place; and Jenni DeWitt, first place.
