The Catholic school in Sikeston is allowing Islam to be taught when all the other kids go to Mass in their school. The children who do not believe in our God get to go with a parent and be taught Islam on our school grounds. What are the Catholics in Sikeston thinking of to allow this?
SpeakOut can't answer this one. You should call St. Francis at 471-0841 and speak with the Rev. Stephen Schneider, who is pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish.
I am calling about a real estate ad insert that was in the May 21 paper. There is one particular company that does not want to give out addresses but only gives out numbers on properties it offers. That is a big turn-off. I would much rather know the address of the property so I can drive by and look at it and then if I'm interested, I will call the real estate company. They want you to call them first but it ain't gonna work.
I was thinking about this tax that was voted on to tear down houses and create jobs. They will jump on some old man or woman to repair these homes and will ride them until they're almost dead. One year from today you will find that it's the worst thing that has ever happened in Sikeston.
The issue was decided by the voters of Sikeston.
You had an article about Morey Travis who killed 20 girls and his mother is suing the jail because he hung himself. The people of the 20 girls who were killed should turn around and kill the mother for raising such a monstrous son and for all the mental anguish and torment they went through because of what her son did. Maybe this will teach her a lesson for trying to sue someone for arresting someone who killed others.