Speakout 5/20

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Democrats and Republicans are always calling each other "idiots" and pointing their fingers at one another and being so negative about everything. I have a son in Iraq and I am tired of politicians playing their political games while his life is uncertain over there. It's time to forget about Democrats and Republicans and pull together as Americans to get this war ended and get things done and get our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, grandfathers and grandmothers back home. Let's be Americans and quit being Democrats and Republicans.

I think we need to wake Harry Truman up and send him to Iraq.

Way to go, Trey Hardy. I think cleaning up the city went very well and I believe that if we keep this up, we can all really be "Sikeston Proud!" and eventually there will be no problem.

Who can I anonymously notify about people who are claiming dependents that they are not taking care of. They claim the dependents but don't have the legal right to claim them. We called the Internal Revenue Service with your concern. Call the IRS Tax-Fraud Violations line toll-free at (800) 829-0433. After a recorded message, you will be able to speak to a representative and when you do, let them know you want to remain anonymous.

It's a shame in area churches in Sikeston and around this area when people are nice to everybody. Then when they come home from church they start cussing everybody. They need to read their Bible and pray more. There's one woman who says she hates everything, but she goes to church and says she has to live it. I don't want to go to church.

I have a question about our city water. I live in the city limits and continue to get a buildup of what appears to be minerals of some sort, so much so that I have to take the faucet apart and clean the tiny little rocks. I'm very concerned because we drink our tap water and I wash our clothes in it and I don't have any other type of filtration system in my house. Is this water safe to drink? What are the minerals that I'm getting and are these minerals going to cause me health problems later in my life? I would be interested in knowing what exactly is in our water.

Have you called the Sikeston Board of Municipal Utilities? The number is 471-3328. Also, do you live in an older home that may have lead water pipes?