May 5, 2005

SIKESTON - Sikeston stores and business houses will close Wednesday afternoon, May 16, so that everyone will be home when bond salesmen for the "Mighty Seventh" war loan call at every residence in the city. Sikeston's goal is $270,000. SIKESTON - The board of Directors of the Bank of Sikeston announced today that William S. Corrigan has been elected president of the bank. Corrigan succeeds the late Jos. L. Matthews, who served as president for the past 23 years...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Sikeston stores and business houses will close Wednesday afternoon, May 16, so that everyone will be home when bond salesmen for the "Mighty Seventh" war loan call at every residence in the city. Sikeston's goal is $270,000.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The board of Directors of the Bank of Sikeston announced today that William S. Corrigan has been elected president of the bank. Corrigan succeeds the late Jos. L. Matthews, who served as president for the past 23 years.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - At the annual meeting of the Missouri Delta Community Hospital Board of Directors, James G. Bucher was elected to serve a three-year term as a member of the hospital's executive committee. Philip W. Boyer was elected to serve on the 24-member Board of Directors and R.D. James of New Madrid also was elected to serve on the hospital's Board of Directors.


SIKESTON - The architectural bid for a new shell building was approved during a special session of the Sikeston Development Council Friday at noon. Architect Theon Grojean of Grojean Engineers in Sikeston was awarded the design bid.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - The new members of the Cotton Boll Area Girl Scout Council were installed at the 45th Annual Council Meeting and Appreciation Dinner recently. Joining the Council were Leasa Kowalski of Portageville, Jeanette Watka of Dexter, Libby Mobley of Kennett, Betty Heckemeyer of Sikeston and Charles Brown of Kennett.


SIKESTON - Chris Brown and Brent Arnold won first place in speed in their divisions at the Royal Rangers Pinewood Derby at the Scott City Assembly of God Church. Chris represented the Pioneers (ages 9-11) while Brent represented the Trail Rangers/Trail Blazers (ages 12-15) from the First Assembly of God Church in Sikeston.
