July 28, 2005

This is in response to the person who called in about Missouri state employees driving a big car and having a new house. if that, in fact, is the truth, then they must have a spouse who has good job or has some supplemental income coming in because out of the 50 states in the United States, Missouri ranks 49th in the lowest paid state employees. ...

~Call 471-6636

This is in response to the person who called in about Missouri state employees driving a big car and having a new house. if that, in fact, is the truth, then they must have a spouse who has good job or has some supplemental income coming in because out of the 50 states in the United States, Missouri ranks 49th in the lowest paid state employees. The only state that pays less than Missouri is Arkansas. Each year, the State employees are going backward due to no raises and a higher cost of living. If anyone wants to complain about reduction in services, then complain to your legislator. After all they have "cost of living" raises built in to their salary. The workers of Social Services are only the "bearer of bad tidings." And, above all, vote! Any Missouri citizen has the right to choose their legislator. They only serve two-

year terms. IF you are not happy with the reduction of services for the elderly or the underprivileged, then vote the legislators out of office. Missouri employees did not receive but one raise during the entire term of Governor Holden. Governor Holden seemed like a tyrant at the time. Even though, he did not give state employees any raises, he didn't take wheelchairs away from disabled persons. Above all, put the blame for reduction of services where it belongs - with the legislators. Don't begrudge the state employees their cars or houses. They deal with a lot of grief every day. They do not have any control over the reductions in benefits. They have to be dedicated public servants or they wouldn't be there. It's certainly not because of the salary they receive or the working conditions.

I have an economic and effective way to handle the meth problem in the area. Instead of spending the money and time and effort, let them do what they want. They won't live long anyway. Anybody who consumes that much poison won't live long anyway. Look at some of them. Sores all over their body and teeth rotting out. Let them have all they want. They will be around about six months and we'll be rid of them. Save the taxpayers some money.

Just look at the lineup this year for Rodeo. I can't wait. I know every entertainer they have. This should really be a great year. Also I like the idea of slack being held on Tuesday night before the rodeo starts and really like the fact that it is free to the public. What a special treat that will be. Come on folks, let's show the Jaycees our support and give them something to talk about. They do so much for our community. They help make Sikeston proud.

I just want to ask a question that has been plaguing my mind for some time now. As good an idea as public housing might be for those who actually have a need for it, I don't understand how some person cannot have enough money to pay for some sort of shelter but you purchase high-end, expensive items such as vehicles, cell phones and designer clothing. It seems like the more children you have, the more money the government believes it should give to you. I don't understand how the government could possibly think somebody needs money when they drive up to their free house in their Escalade, rims still spinning, talking on their cell phone, carrying a Louis Vuitton purse on one arm and several children on the other. Where do I sign up for this?
