July 30, 2005

I would like to know, has the government of this world gone crazy? People who are going to have to pay high spend outs for their Medicaid cards, they aren't going to be able to do it. My husband is in intensive care right now and he has to pay $150 for a card when there are people out here who don't even need this card and they are getting it for free and abusing it. ...

~Call 471-6636

I would like to know, has the government of this world gone crazy? People who are going to have to pay high spend outs for their Medicaid cards, they aren't going to be able to do it. My husband is in intensive care right now and he has to pay $150 for a card when there are people out here who don't even need this card and they are getting it for free and abusing it. This is not fair and in Illinois, Mr. Blogojovich or whatever his stupid name is wants to build a baseball field for what? The taxpayers to pay for? I guess they want to raise a spend out for a Medicaid card they are supposed to be getting in the first place. They need to jerk this man by the hair of the head, punch him a few times and see if he can wake up and smell the coffee. Get real people. Get off your butts and do something. This is getting outrageous. We've gone nuts.

I was wondering the construction on Highway 61 and HH road. Are those guys going to retire up there or are they going to finish up before the century is out? Seems like they've been working a long time doing nothing.

I have family in the military and I am very upset that this administration is playing politics with our national security. What Karl Rove did was inexcusable and puts at risk everyone who is fighting for our country and working to make it safe. Rove needs to go and Bush is just as guilty to keep him on.

It looks like Hardee's is up to it again. It looks like a man that is trying to have sex with a cow. This is great. It is sick. Then you've got Paris Hilton trying to have sex with a car. Is she that hard up? Let's get real folks. Hardee's you need to go out of business or do something about your commercials because they are getting ridiculous, more and more each day.

I don't know if you guys will print this or not, but this is something that the public needs to know, especially the people who work in health care facilities or anyone else that works for someone and was hired by them and drives their vehicle. It is against the law in the state of Missouri to drive these vehicles with a Class F drivers license. You must have a Class E chauffer's license. If you do not have, and you drive them more than once or twice a year on an emergency basis, you can be, if you are stopped by a highway patrolmen or a police officer, you can be cited with tickets. If you have a wreck that is an out for your facility and also an out for the insurance company. If your facility tells you that you do not have to have that; if you transport any cargo at all, whether it be human or anything for that facility and you are hired in at that facility. Whether you are driving for transportation or not when you park your hind end behind that wheel you liable for whatever you have in that van. If it is a human life then you had better have some good insurance yourself, because the facility, nor will the insurance company cover you. It is an out for the insurance companies and you had better get smart and realize it or you'll wind up in a lot of trouble and if you have a problem with it go get the new 2005 drivers book at the license bureau and on look on page 14 and read it.

It is now Saturday and it is 110 degree heat index or 99 degrees. My children have not been able to play outside for three days. I live in an apartment that does not have a pool. I tried to take my daughter swimming today and there was a swim meet. I thought we had a public pool? If you are not going to be able to use it as a public facility, I think the swim meets should be held somewhere else or we should have access maybe after hours. It's not fair for the public of Sikeston and people that can't have pools not to have somewhere for our children to go on a hot summer day. They can't go anywhere. Where is the public supposed to go? I think there needs to be something done about the swim meets.
