October 8, 2004

I am so fed up with farmers burning off fields. I live in Mississippi County where numerous farmers choose this, even though they know it causes ozone problems and health problems for many people. Every time they burn, I have asthma problems and my mother has asthma problems, as do many others. I am asking farmers to think about what they are doing. Think about the health problems you are causing. Your uncaring actions are costing others their health and money...

I am so fed up with farmers burning off fields. I live in Mississippi County where numerous farmers choose this, even though they know it causes ozone problems and health problems for many people. Every time they burn, I have asthma problems and my mother has asthma problems, as do many others. I am asking farmers to think about what they are doing. Think about the health problems you are causing. Your uncaring actions are costing others their health and money.

Recently you reported that the company China Minmetals was negotiating a purchase of Noranda. You also reported that the New Madrid facility would be a part of that sale. Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal reported "Noranda said its aluminum operations wouldn't be included in any China Minmetals deal, and instead would be distributed to Noranda's shareholders." Those are two distinctly different news reports. Which, if either, of you is correct? You also did not include in your news story the fact that China Minmetals is state-owned. Translation: If China Minmetals purchases Noranda, a communist country will be purchasing a major regional employer.

Reportedly there is some talk of spinning off the aluminum business, but we have not verified this as of yet.

I would like to ask George Bush this question: What do you plan to do to the incompetent advisers who misled you and are responsible for the deaths of more than 1,000 American GI's and 20,000 Iraqi civilians? President Kennedy fired the people who led him into the Bay of Pigs. Why do you not do likewise?

We have an incredible fighting force that can do the job in Iraq. But politicians are running the war and making decisions to hold them back, or letting foreigners decide to, for political reasons. Those of us who lived through Vietnam know that has a familiar ring. You can't have "no go" zones like Fallujah, Najaf, and Sadr City and expect to win. Bush is squandering precious resources by pussy-footing around with the enemy. Let the military do what we trained them for, and let's do this right, the American way.

In answer to John McMillen's views, speaking of lies, John Kerry did not lie about Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction. George Bush did. John Kerry did not lie about Saddam Hussein being linked to 9/11, George Bush did. John Kerry did not lie about Saddam Hussein being an imminent threat to the United States. George Bush did. John Kerry did not lie about the war in Iraq being a war on terror. George Bush did. John Kerry is not responsible for 1,040 Americans being killed. George Bush is. John Kerry is not responsible for spending $200 billion of taxpayer money in Iraq. George Bush is. John Kerry is not responsible for 7,500 Americans being wounded, George Bush is. John Kerry did not steal the election in 2000. George Bush did, thanks to his dad, brother and rich buddies.

I am very thankful to the young couple who found my billfold in a shopping cart at Wal-Mart and brought it to my house. I am very thankful to them. Thank you so very, very much.

If imitation really is the ultimate form of flattery, John McMillen must really like the Tony Heckemeyer show. I noticed he uses the same words and phrases Heckemeyer has used for the past five years (or at least as long as I've been hearing the show). Surely this McMillen fellow doesn't need to be complimenting Mr. Heckemeyer. Maybe McMillen should come up with some original stuff.
