May 15, 2002

Lt. Jim McNeil and Trooper Kyle Wilmont of the Missouri State Highway Patrol look at the Heavens Watch "Heroes on Patrol" police vehicle. The vehicle, which is from Louisiana, is a memorial to all the law enforcement officers who gave their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. The car is painted as an American flag waving in the wind, with each star on the flag representing one of the 71 officers who gave his life that day...

Photo by Tim Jaynes, Staff
Photo by Tim Jaynes, Staff

Lt. Jim McNeil and Trooper Kyle Wilmont of the Missouri State Highway Patrol look at the Heavens Watch "Heroes on Patrol" police vehicle.

The vehicle, which is from Louisiana, is a memorial to all the law enforcement officers who gave their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. The car is painted as an American flag waving in the wind, with each star on the flag representing one of the 71 officers who gave his life that day.

On the hood is the headshot of an eagle, inside the eye of the eagle is a reflection of the Statue of Liberty. Once the tour is completed, "Heroes on Patrol" will be delivered to the City of New York on the first remembrance day.

The car's stop in Sikeston preceded today's Peace Officers Memorial Day for Missouri; Gov. Bob Holden has ordered all flags at state facilities to be flown at half-staff.
