August 26, 2005

I'm calling with questions and concerns about Sikeston Public School athletic program. Why do they not do drug tests for athletes. Sikeston is one of the leading concern of a drug problem but we do not test our athletes for sports activities. I would like to know why we do not test them. ...

I'm calling with questions and concerns about Sikeston Public School athletic program. Why do they not do drug tests for athletes. Sikeston is one of the leading concern of a drug problem but we do not test our athletes for sports activities. I would like to know why we do not test them. Are we more concerned about winning a game? Or do they think the better players won't play if they use drugs or not? I don't know. Someone please tell me why we do not have drug testing in the Sikeston Public Schools for activities, sports activities.

Sikeston R-6 Superintendent Steve Borgsmiller said the issue of steroid use constantly receives attention by district officials, and students are monitored very closely for drug use. However, the answer to the caller's question is quite lengthy. Concerned individuals are encouraged to contact Borgsmiller at the board of education office at 472-2581 or athletics director Brent Keefer at the high school at 472-8850 for a complete explanation.

I saw the list in the paper where people hadn't paid their personal taxes to the city. Don't they realize some of these people have moved in the last year and been gone for years? They need to check this out. Also I agree with the tax lady that they should have to have proof that you have paid both city and county taxes too. Nobody should get by with this.

I would like to Speakout on non-support issue. It has been six months since I have received any support from my ex-husband. I have done everything but take the people who are responsible for arresting him since he does have felony warrants issued for his arrest. I have done everything but take them by the hand to him and they still won't arrest him. If there is anyone out there that knows what I can do about this, who I can contact or what can be done, please Speakout.

This is a just note to the most unfriendly people in Sikeston. People will pass your house and they won't even speak. You go to a garage sale, walk up to their garage, they are sitting there and they won't even speak. I don't know maybe they are ashamed of the trash they are selling, I don't know. But I think Sikeston has the most unfriendly people there is. People could show a little more friendliness in this cruel world we are living in.

I'm calling in response to Capt. Mark Crocker's statement in Monday's paper. I would like for him to explain the difference in not paying for gas compared with not paying for an article inadvertently taken out of store. Why would the gas thief be allowed to return and pay for it as he said. People can make that mistake easy if not easier than people who drive off without paying for gas - I mean the ones who inadvertently take something from a store. The stores situation people are arrested and charged with a crime. I would like for the good captain to explain the difference. I really feel that Capt. Crocker's theory will encourage more gas stealing. If caught all they have to do is say I'm sorry, I didn't mean to steal that gas, pay for it and go on about their business.

I'm speaking out. I feel it is unfair to owners of residential care facilities who fall under the grandfather clause to have the city council override the state laws. These homes are inspected regularly and have alarms directly to the fire department, the department of public safety as well as the alarm company. Plus there are numerous fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and well marked exits and fire drills are given monthly. Please think this issue through thoroughly. Don't make everyone suffer for one person's tragic accident.
