October 24, 2006

To the voters of the 160th District: I've just received my copy of National Rifle Association publication that's given candidate Larry Tetley a D-rating. I personally know Mr. Tetley, grew up as an avid hunter, is a member of the NRA and a staunch supporter of our 2nd amendment rights. It's unfortunate this was printed as such, but it is incorrect...

To the voters of the 160th District:

I've just received my copy of National Rifle Association publication that's given candidate Larry Tetley a D-rating.

I personally know Mr. Tetley, grew up as an avid hunter, is a member of the NRA and a staunch supporter of our 2nd amendment rights. It's unfortunate this was printed as such, but it is incorrect.

At the present time we need fresh new faces to represent us, not folks who say things that aren't part of their agenda. I've tried to bring this to the attention of local voters, because it's our responsibility to bring about a better 160th district and a better place for our children to grow and thrive.

Thank you,

Lee Blanton
