ORAN - Mr. and Mrs. Alec Riley have gone to St. Louis for a visit. From there they will go to Michigan for a visit with their children. They expect to be away a month.
SIKESTON - More than 100 members of the Anpetu-Wo Lodge No. 100, Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts, Southeast Missouri Council, gathered at the Rustic Rock Saturday night for a business meeting followed by a dance.
DEXTER - A youthful Sikeston wrestling squad came away with a double win in Thursday's season opener dual meet with Dexter. The varsity cleaned up in seven weight classes, with an attack that included three pins and two major decisions, while the JV won eight classes that featured four pins.
SIKESTON - Beverly Baker's compassion has touched the hearts of both young and old. Some of those affected have never met her. Nine turkeys, 22 pies, 15 cakes, four yam dishes, more than seven different vegetables, numerous salads and countless pounds of dressing were prepared, boxed and delivered on Nov. 24 by Baker and numerous volunteers. Baker's goal of serving 130 people through her third annual Thanksgiving for the home-bound quickly grew to 202 this year.
SIKESTON - City sidewalks are not very busy sidewalks when the snow falls but city workers are prepared for when it does. On hand are more than 100 tons of salt and another 100 in reserve that is ready for delivery at a moment's notice. Pre-winter checks are being made on storm equipment. The city has three plows and two spreaders. Also, refresher courses for personnel are being conducted.