This is to the people of Sikeston and the surrounding area who use the city parks. Sikeston has a leash law. That means that your dog cannot run loose in the city limits. Some people seem to think that the law does not apply to the parks but it does and it is enforceable. This law protects everybody - you, your dog and other people. Not everybody is a dog lover. Don't expect other people to admire your dog when it is taking a dump on the walking path or trying to sniff them. When you bring Bowzer to the park with you, make sure he is on a leash and stays that way. Sometimes there are several people at the same park at the same time with their dogs. Think of the possibilities. Never assume that your dog will obey your voice commands. Dogs are animals. They are not children. They can be unpredictable. Even the smallest, most docile dog can be dangerous. Never tell anybody that your dog will not bite especially as it is charging toward them unleashed. Your dog is capable of making a liar out of you. Also, consider the breed of dog you own before inflicting it on others out in public. Some breeds are more excitable and apt to attack than others. In addition, make sure that you take proper care of your dog. Keep it healthy. Take it for yearly shots and have it examined by a reputable veterinarian. Getting it spayed or neutered is also beneficial. There are people at the park who exercise for their health and unleashed dogs are not a welcomed sight. When small children are playing, their high pitched squealing could incite a dog attack. It has happened. Dog bites can cause serious problems. Make sure you have adequate insurance to cover any personal injury your dog could do to others because you will be held responsible. In fact, why don't you consider leaving your dog at home. That way nobody gets hurt - you, your dog or other people.
I'd like to say thank you to Morehouse Elementary for a wonderful school carnival. The kids and adults alike seemed to have a wonderful time and it was a huge success. I would also like to thank Mr. Williams and the entire school staff and teachers. They done a wonderful job and I'd like to thank them for having compassion enough to volunteer their time to do something wonderful like this for the kids.
I live out here at Pharris Ridge. I'm missing a black lab with a brown collar with a little bit of white under his neck and body parts. If anybody sees the dog, would you call me at 481-0777. My name is Ann.
I'm calling about the Notre Dame fans chanting This is our house in the Sikeston Field House. Sikeston started chanting it first and I just wanted you all to know that. I'm not a Sikeston fan and I'm not a Notre Dame fan. I just wanted you to know that Sikeston started it first.